Our class loves to Skype and we love to have an audience for projects we are working on. Combine these two things and you have the perfect recipe for a Reader’s Theater Skype!
During the month of February, we learned about famous Presidents and worked on Common Core Standards in History. Those standards include sequencing events, using timelines, and finding evidence to support historical claims. We used our research to create a Reader’s Theater on Abraham Lincoln. To incorporate more standards, we decided to perform for another class in New Jersey!
We practiced and practiced using our scripts and made masks to look like Abe. Then, we Skyped our friends in New Jersey and performed for them. You can watch a practice video below.
It was a lot of fun and they were a great audience. The class did wonderful! When we were done, they asked us questions about Abe and students came to the hot seat to answer them. I was so impressed by their knowledge.
The fun doesn’t stop there though! The next day, we Skyped with the class again and they performed and taught us about George Washington! They, too, did a wonderful job. What a great learning experience for us!
First Graders, you did such a great job reading all your parts! Well done!