Today was National Digital Learning Day. To celebrate and take part in the day, we first started by first taking the pledge on the website. Then, we decided that we would use our iPads in all of our learning. The class was THRILLED!
Perhaps the “most fun” task of the day included an app that is not on the student iPads. We are learning about shape attributes in Geometry. The vocabulary that we are working on includes line, corner, vertex, and face. We found a song that talks about shape attributes and listened several times to hear everything that was being taught in it. Next, we broke up into groups and wrote out information about our parts on our iPads to hold up in the video. Last, we shot the video using the Video Star app. It was a lot of fun!
Check out our video!
Although today was Digital Learning Day, our First Grade class loves to be digital learners everyday!
Loved watching this video! Keep up the great work 1st Graders!
I have a new name for your video: The Geometry Grroooove!
Great work!
I have a new name for your video 1st Graders: The Geometry Groove!
Great work!